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Learn about SPEAK OUT!

SPEAK OUT!® is a specialized, sequenced voice therapy program designed for individuals with Parkinson’s founded by Parkinson Voice Project. The exercises focus on speaking out with intent to capitalize on the intentional motor system. Individuals with Parkinson’s have a depletion of dopamine, which is required for several automatic processes such as speech. The idea behind SPEAK OUT! is that the individual bypasses the brain system that requires more dopamine (automatic) and utilizes the intentional system through producing speech that is intentional and purposeful. When speech is more purposeful and intentional, it allows the individual to be better understood by others!

SPEAK OUT! consists of 8-16 therapy sessions held 2-3x weekly depending on patient’s level of ability, with an emphasis on home practice. People completing this therapy program are provided with a workbook that consists of exercises that should be practiced twice daily. Once intervention is completed, the patient is expected to continue practicing exercises daily.

The program also recommends weekly group practice with other individuals utilizing SPEAK OUT! to practice their speech exercises together.

In Georgetown, Texas GAPS (Georgetown Area Parkinson’s Support Group) provides FREE weekly singing/voice exercise classes which meet at First Baptist Church, 1333 W University Ave Building 2 Room 108 at 2PM every Monday. More information is provided at:

More information is provided on the Parkinson’s Voice Project website regarding SPEAK OUT! ( Contact All Care Therapies of Georgetown ( for more information on scheduling your appointment with a certified clinician.


About speak out!. Parkinson Voice Project. (n.d.).

Behrman, A., Cody, J., Chitnis, S., & Elandary, S. (2021). Dysarthria treatment for parkinson’s disease: One-year follow-up of SPEAK OUT! with the LOUD crowd. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 47(4), 271–278.

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